Went to Red Star Restaurant ( Blk 54 Chin Swee Road #07-23 ) with 2 greedy friends some time ago. Wah.. you! eat dim sum? they asked... better go quickly before change mind hor. Yes, and why Red Star? Well, it's really old school dim sum, with the original "dim sum dollies" pushing carts of all things yummy. Ordering fancy dim sum from a menu without eyeballing the item just doesnt do it for me. Some are really sweet old dears - be careful now.. the bowl is hot... to cantankerous ones who have seen better days (or more gentile customers!) - want carrot cake or not (take it or leave it) On the whole, they were lovely, these dim sum ladies.

We decided to be beat the crowd by appearing at 1030am - after being told that one could not make reservations. Huh! seems like everyone had the same idea and had been there since breakfast (they open at 7am on weekends). The queue extended from the cashier's counter cum reception all the way to the tiny cramped lift lobby. Fortunately the queue moved quickly we managed to make our way to a table tucked in the far corner within 15min.
The whole place has a fantastic hum and buzz. Families, several generations all enjoying a Sunday brunch.. yuppies in berms and polo Ts.. . Old fashioned uncles having a slow tea and chat. This place has appeal for everyone.
Hungry, we waved a trolley over and greedily accepted whatever they had to offer - in this case lotus leaf rice dumplings. Hot, fragrant and staved off hunger pangs whilst we scanned the room for more offerings.
Soon we realised that people were walking about holding their "yellow cards" and hunting down the trolley that conveyed their desired food item. Quite fun it was, and provided some exercise, allowed me to "kay poh" other table's food at the same time.
The salted pork, preserved egg porridge was pronounced the BEST we have eaten - smooth yet retaining a semblance of rice grains, creamy preserved egg melting into the base porridge, shreds of salty pork and delicious savoury crumbs of dried oyster. Wah.. so good we quickly had a second bowl.
Egg tarts were very elusive. In fact so elusive that after I had waylaid a waitress to obtain the prized morsels, we wolfed them down so quickly that there is no photographic evidence! (you need to stand outside the kitchen door and catch a waitress on her way in - ask for egg tarts and on her way out again, a plate of freshly baked ones are handed to you).
Writing this has made me so hungry I shall stop now - and plan another visit.
By the way, do not ever go there later than 1030-1100h unless you are really patient. By the time we left at 1230hm the queue had snaked past the lift lobby and down the stairs to the level below!
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