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January 4, 2010

Gifts of the land

Summer is a good time to sample the gifts of the land. If one has land, even a small garden will do, it is possible to plant your own fruits and vegetables. (Even if you don't have a garden, many of these fruits and vegetables may be planted in pots). These are the fruits and vegetables I have harvested from my own garden. Very sweet and tasty because they are harvested just before eating. Sweeter than any fruit or vegetable from the supermarket. Tastes even sweeter since these are fruits of one's labour.

Heirloom Gold Nugget cherry tomatoes and long stem strawberries

Sweet raspberries!

Red Hungarian chili, zucchini, spring onion, coriander and more cherry tomatoes

Of course, if one does not have a garden or prefer to have a low-maintenance garden, you can still buy beautiful fresh produce from farmer's markets. The size of farmer's markets differ from town to town. The best farmer's market I have attended thus far is in Hastings, Hawkes' Bay.

Garden Peach (yellow heirloom) tomato, red tomatoes and avocado

Fresh radish - great in salads

Bi-colour zucchinis

Nectarines, peaches, plums and apricots



I bid you good eats!

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